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 Double Progression
Grow Your Strength
Safe - Effective

Focusing on Progression + Technique and Form


The longer you lift, the harder it becomes to continue making progress. During the beginning stages, you'll be able to add weight to the bar easily. Upping your poundage by 5%-10 % total on your upper-body lifts and 10%-15% pounds on lower-body lifts is doable in the first few months.


From the six-month mark onward, things change. It becomes ever more difficult to continue going heavier. At this point, a change of pace is necessary to keep the gains coming.


One of the best ways to defeat a plateau is the double progression method - this is used by some of the best Industry to keep moving forward.


We are excited to introduce our new Double Progression 6-week block training programs for back squat and bench press. These programs are designed with two primary goals in mind: progression and an emphasis on technique and form. By focusing on progressive overload through the double progression method, we aim to prevent plateaus and provide measurable and trackable progress. Additionally, prioritizing good technique and form is crucial not only for safety but also for ensuring optimal gains from your efforts.

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