Benefits of strength training. If you know that a specific kind of exercise benefits your heart, helps with weight loss and maintenance of it, body compostion, increase your balance, strengthen your bones, make you look and feel better, researches show that strength training provides all these benefits and more.

Here Are Some Benefits Of Strength Training
Besides the well-touted benefit of adding tone and definition to your muscles, how does strength training help? Here are a few ways.
Reduce Abdominal Fat
Studies found that strength training is more efficient at preventing gains in abdominal fat than cardiovascular exercise.
When people include strength training into their exercise habit, they not only reduce calories but build lean muscle mass, which stimulates the metabolism. Muscle mass is an essential determiner of basal metabolic rate or the number of calories the whole body burns per day to maintain physiologic functions.
Strength Training Makes You Stronger And Fitter.
Muscle strength is essential. It makes it easier to do the stuff you need to do on a day-to-day basis — mainly as we got older and usually begin to lose muscle.
Strength training is also called resistance training.
Isometric resistance means contracting your muscles on a non moving object, such as the floor in a push-up.
Isotonic strength training means contracting your muscles through a range of movement as in weight lifting.
Strength Training Preserves Bone Health And Muscle Mass.
At the age of 30, we start losing as lots of muscle groups per year. According to research, twice a week only 30 mint of high-intensity resistance exercising will help you to preserve your bones.
Also, this will help you with bone density, shape, and energy in a postmenopausal female with lower bone mass, and it had no adverse effect, the HHS recommendations are notified that, for each person, muscle-strengthening workout help you to maintain or growth muscles, energy, and strength, that are important for bone, joint, and muscle health as we age.
Strength Training Helps To Maintain Weight.
A Strength training is excellent for weight loss. It increases your metabolism.
A good resistance workout will increase your excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), leading to the calories your body burn after exercising. [resistance or strengthening exercise] makes your metabolism active after the workout, much longer than after a cardio workout.
Develop Better Body Mechanics.
Strength training also benefits your stability, coordination, and correcting your posture. Poeple at a higher risk of falling due to poor physical functioning, strength training reduced the risk of falling by 30 to 40 percent as compared to people who did not do strength-training.
Balance is totally dependent on the strength of the leg muscles that help you to stand on your feet. The stronger your muscles, the better your balance.
You Gain More Confidence We all know that we feel confident when we look good. Strength training help with this.
Your waist looks smaller, your legs become stronger, and your arms are more marked. While the scales tell you that you’re overweight, you don’t feel as bad when you look at your shape in the mirror.
Gaining more confidence will boost your training efforts. You’ll also increase your dieting efforts, as you want to feel for longer.